SDGS Special Interest Groups andSoftware Users Groups
Participants are often encouraged to bring their research challenges to the workshop where the facilitator and others will assist with solutions. The workshops are open to the public at no charge. Meetings are held in a hybrid setting, in person and on Zoom. Some meetings are held only via Zoom. Registration information is listed in the event on the calendar. Please look at our calendar for the next meeting for more information. All meetings are held Pacific Time. Check the Calendar of Events for current dates, times, topics and locations, |
British Isles Special Interest Group The British Isles Interest Group covers all countries in the British Isles, Ireland and Northern Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales. We show you which resources are available in different time periods and how to access them using a variety of genealogy websites. The civil and ecclesiastical structures are shown as they relate to both the church and civil genealogical records. Attendees are encouraged to talk about their British trips. Group will meet via a hybrid setting. Meeting location: In person at SD FamilySearch Center in Mission Valley and virtual via Zoom. Group meet 3rd Saturday, 10.30 am - 12.30 pm (PT). Contact facilitator Colin Whitney for more information. Publications, Communications and Writer Group This group focuses on how to share your genealogical research with family members and other genealogists . It will show you how to creatively write about your ancestors in an interesting manner which transcends the data and exposes the true lifestyle they experienced. The group will explore a wide variety of techniques and media for publishing your research. Genealogy books, family album, e-books, blogging and blog books will be covered. Group currently meet via Zoom. Group meet on the 4th Saturday of most months, 1 pm - 3 pm (PT). Contact facilitator Dona Ritchie for more information. Reunion User Group Reunion, the primary software tool for Mac, is the focus of this workshop although other genealogy topics of interest are discussed. Each session starts with questions from the previous month’s topic and proceeds with the topic of meeting-- a combination of a formal presentation, demonstration of the use of Reunion, and a problem—solving session where individualized help is provided. This group meets via Zoom on the 1st Tuesday, 12 pm - 2 pm (PT). Contact facilitator Anne Alves for more information. |
German Interest Group The SDGS German Interest Group explores a wide variety of subjects related to German genealogy and non-German topics of general interest. Meetings offer SDGS members and visitors nationally recognized speakers, and interactive classes where members can bring individual issues to be discussed. Group will meet via a hybrid setting. Meeting location: In person at SD FamilySearch Center in Mission Valley and virtual via Zoom. Group currently meet 3rd Wednesday, 1 pm - 3 pm (PT). Contact facilitator Amy Chidester for more information.
This group meet monthly via Zoom, on the 4th Saturday, at 10:30 am - 12 pm (PT). It is configured as two panels of three people which meet on alternate months. The objectives of the Special Interest Group are:
Panel A : Colin Whitney (host), Christy Dolan, Barbara Stanculescu Panel A will meet in January and every other month. Panel B will meet in between. We encourage you to send your questions, two days prior to the session, to Colin Whitney | ![]() The North America Group The focus of the North America Group is the genealogy of the United States and Canada. It discusses techniques and resources which are useful for researching your ancestors. It shows you where to find many different record types such as vital and census records, church records, land records, probate records, and military records to name a few. It covers Federal and State archives, search websites, newspapers, and databases available at institutions and genealogical societies. Group currently meet via Zoom. This group will meet on the 3rd Saturday of most months, 1pm-3 pm (PT). Contact facilitator Dona Ritchie for more information. ![]() SDGS DNA Group The DNA Study Group focuses on the basics of DNA, organizing your data, and testing your DNA at the major websites. The tools available at these websites which help you understand your results will be described, as well as many of the third-party tools. Group currently meet via Zoom on the 1st Saturday, 11.30 am - 1.30 pm (PT) most months. Contact facilitator Colin Whitney for more information. RootsMagic User Group RootsMagic is a comprehensive software tool which helps you research, organize and share your genealogical information. It is appropriate for all levels from beginner to professional. In this Group we will discuss RootsMagic's many features and show you how to obtain maximum benefit from them. Group will meet via a hybrid setting. Meeting location: In person at SD FamilySearch Center in Mission Valley and virtual via Zoom. Group meets once a month, on various Wednesdays, 4 pm - 6 pm (PT) most months. Refer to event calendar for date. Contact facilitator Larry Klaasen for more information. |