SDGS History Discover our own history Past Presidents Charter Members | Founded in 1946, San Diego Genealogical Society exists to promote interest in genealogy and family history research through individual and group effort and in cooperation with other like-minded organizations. SDGS is a non-profit corporation recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. The Society supports the genealogical collection at the San Diego Public Library, the presentation of lectures and classes of genealogical interest, the advancement of digital technology including genetic genealogy, social media and writing and publishing of books, blogs and papers in the subject field. It supports the collection and preservation of genealogical and historical records of San Diego County.The Society has published numerous books of San Diego County Historical and genealogical records. It also published a quarterly journal, San Diego Leaves and Saplings, 1972–2019. The San Diego Genealogical Society is a member of the National Genealogical Society . The SDGS is also a partner in the International German Genealogy Partnership. The SDGS Board meets the first Saturday of most months of the year. Any member who wishes to attend should contact Julie Barelka, president, |
The San Diego Genealogical Society of today is the product of the diligent efforts of innumerable dedicated Society volunteers, officers and directors, and the vision, leadership and commitment of these past presidents: Presidents 1946 to present