Topic: Digital Organization
Speaker: Diane Gould Hall
I'm a member of the Mayflower Society, DAR, the San Diego Genealogical Society, and past member of the North San Diego County Genealogical Society, and the Aberdeen & North-East Scotland History Society, the Ohio Genealogy Society and the Lawrence Co., Ohio Genealogy Society.
I've been researching my family for over 22 years. I've had incredible successes. Including connecting with a long lost half brother (now one of my best friends). And, helping friends and family find biological parents. I’ve been blogging since 2010 and have published 733 posts and have over a million views on my blog. My blog is called Michigan Family Trails. One of my most popular blog posts is Digital Folder Organizing and Naming Made Easy. More than 59,000 people have viewed that post. I’ve had many people contact me personally and thank me for this method of organization. I use Legacy Family Tree software for my personal database and I taught/facilitated the Legacy Users Group for the San Diego Genealogical Society for about 2 years. I've also presented classes about "Using Social Media in Family Research" and "How to Use Evernote in Your Family Resarch," "My Trip to Scotland, What I did Right and what I did Wrong," "Tips on Using Ancestry" and a co presentation with a fellow blogger "Joining The Mayflower Society." You can reach me at
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