Topic: The Role of Convents and Monasteries in the 15th-19th centuries and how they Affected our Ancestors
Speaker: Milan Pohontsch
Host: Amy Chidester
For questions contact Amy Chidester
This meeting will be a hybrid meeting, POTLUCK at SD FamilySearch Center.
Please join us in person at the San Diego FamilySearch Center for our November GIG meeting and our annual potluck luncheon. Bring a dish to share as we celebrate the bounty of the season! This will be a hybrid meeting so friends unable to attend in person may join via Zoom.
San Diego FamilySearch Center:
4195 Camino del Rio South
San Diego, Ca. 92108
The public is always welcome!
Post Office Box 635057 San Diego, CA 92163
© San Diego Genealogical Society