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  • March Monthly Program

March Monthly Program

  • 09 Mar 2024
  • 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM
  • Webinar

Monthly Program

Join us for a presentation by Teresa McMillin, CG


Session 1:  Boost Your German Research: Understand Historical Jurisdictions.

Meyer’s Gazetteer is great for determining jurisdictions as of 1912. Germany was not a country until 1871. In the centuries leading up to that, land areas were constantly changing hands. One must understand who controlled a given area in order to find all possible records. Topics included in this lecture are:

     Use of Meyer’s gazetteer and its impact on the Family History Library catalog

     Macro jurisdictional changes in historical German areas

     Tactics for determining jurisdictions of a village or small land holding over time

     Examples of changing jurisdictions for selected areas

     Key German vocabulary will be included

Session 2:  The Voyages of Our German Immigrants 

Germans began immigrating to the United States in 1683, according to documented history. This talk will highlight significant aspects of the first four major waves of migration, through 1910. The areas from which they came and motivations that typified each wave will be detailed. Available immigration and emigration records help tell the immigrant's story. Laws changed over time and impacted various aspects of the immigration experience.

Presenter Bio:   Teresa Steinkamp McMillin, Certified Genealogist®, author of the Guide to Hanover Military Records, 1514-1866 on Microfilm at the Family History Library, is the owner of Lind Street Research, a company dedicated to helping people discover their German ancestry. She has taught at the Institute of Genealogy and Historical Research (IGHR) and the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy (SLIG) Academy for Professionals. She created and recorded courses for Ancestry Academy and Legacy Family Tree Webinars. Teresa conducts research on behalf of the U.S. Army to aid in repatriating soldiers missing from the nation’s past conflicts.

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