Monthly Program
Join us for 2 presentations presented by
Ann Lawthers from American Ancestors/NEHGS
Session 1: Introducing NARA
The website of the National Archives and Records Administration ( is your at-home portal to a myriad of records. This first class will demonstrate how to navigate the online catalog, access or request records from home, and, because not everything is online, discuss tips for planning a research trip. We will also discuss the difference between the National Archives in Washington, DC and the regional branches found across the country.
Session 2: Federal Land Records: Bounty Land, Land Entry Files, and Homesteading
Throughout its history, the United States has offered several land incentives to encourage settlement and migration westward. In this class, Genealogist Melanie McComb will first discuss federal bounty land warrants for military service between 1775 and 1855 and then delve more deeply into homesteading records including land entry case files, patents, and tract books.
Ann Lawthers, Genealogist assists visitors to the American Ancestors Research Center, both in the building and online, with their family history research. She is a graduate of Wellesley College and the Harvard School of Public Health, with Masters and Doctoral degrees in Health Policy. With a long-term interest in history and family research, Ann lectures frequently on behalf of American Ancestors. Areas of particular interest include New England and New York, the Mid-Atlantic states, the southern colonies, Ireland, and migration patterns.
This program will begin promptly at 10 am with a short business meeting where the Nominating committee will present the slate of nominees that was approved by the board on October 7, 2023.
They will present candidates for President, First Vice President and Secretary. According to our Bylaws, nominations from the floor will be accepted.
Voting will begin on October 19, 2023.(Members)
Register by clicking the button to register on Zoom and receive your Zoom login information.
This program will be recorded and placed in the "Members Only" section.
The public is always welcome!
For questions contact Regina at