Please join us for our Fall Seminar!
featuring speaker
Judy Russell, the Legal Genealogist!

Session 1: Where there Is-or-Isn't a Will
Session 2: NARA Mythbusters: Your Family IS in the Archives
Session 3: More than Just Names: Advanced US Census Research
Session 4: When Worlds Collide: Resolving Conflicts in Genealogical Research
Early Bird Price for registering on or before August 9, 2017 is $45.
For registrations on or after August 10, 2017 the price is $50.
Last day to register is September 7, 2017
Check-in time is 8 am.
Seminar is 9 am-3 pm
Lunch is 12 noon-12.30 pm.
Welcome coffee and tea with pastries will be served in the morning. Lunch is included.